Stop Software Idea Patents in Europe

På Stop Programmer Idea patenter i Europa

Zatrzymaj Oprogramowanie Patenty Idea w Europie

Special interests are still manipulating the political process in the European Union in an attempt to introduce restrictive, costly US-style software patents.

Please see How you can help us stop Software Patents to learn how to protect the rights of European software users and developers.

The Unisys GIF patent has expired, but you can learn from the Unisys patent attacks and learn to protect the digital information you create. Things you can do:

  1. Put your content in formats unrestricted by software patents. The Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia. Visit their site for information on how to keep your audio and video content unencumbered by patents.
  2. Oppose the expansion of software patents to your country, if such patents are not available there now.
  3. Insist that standards organizations in which you participate require an "innovation compatible" patent license, which allows for implementation in Free/Open Source software.
  4. Develop and support software that works with non-patented file formats and network protocols, instead of patent-encumbered ones, where available.

Please do not mail the maintainers of this site to ask if any Unisys patents is still in effect in a certain country. We do not advise on patent law. If you are concerned about needing a patent license to do your work, please support patent reform.

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Don Marti

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